
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Surveys Should Be Fun...

Date: _______________________
SurVeys should be fun, but this is a test of character. Be creative. Have some fun - Please make up/combine words. Use slang. Graphic language and improper spelling is encouraged!! Shock me. Make me laugh. Ready? You have 15 minutes and I recommend using it all.
Beginning (current time:____________), ready? GO!
Everyone gets their 15 mins of fame, right?!! Quick, before we forget you, how WOULD YOU LIKE to be REMembered?? Well, just finish these sentences as quick and dishonest as you wish!
[NOTE: Each response may be no longer than 15 characters in length, except for #7, which is limited to 160. Spaces, hyphens, and exclamation marks count as half-characters]
{PS: You may answer these in any order you please, but you absolutely MUST complete #7]
1.      My song sounds ________________________________________________________________________
2.      When I was a baby, I ________________________________________________________________________
3.      You can always depend on me for ________________________________________________________________________
4.      Choosing to belong to ________________________________________________________________________
5.      The State of the nation was ________________________________________________________________________
6.      My greatest love, ________________________________________________________________________
7.      Never forget that time of ________________________________________________________________________
8.      My favorite skill to practice ________________________________________________________________________
**** Time’s UP! *****
At the end of the 15 minutes, please flip the page over. The 2nd section may be done in leisure.
List your name, D.O.B., favorite time of day, your gender, your lucky number or favorite math equation!!!!
Then, draw a picture of yourself as a kitty, a bird, a bug, or a shape.
Finally, rename yourself however you see fit.  Turn the survey in if you wish.