
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Comm HUMOR notes


* Study Questions
1)   3 Basic theories explaining humorous amusement
§ Relief Theory
ü People laugh to reduce physiological tension
o laughter helps relief nervous energy
o and Reveals suppressed desires/overcome sociocultural inhibitions
§ Incongruity Theory
ü People laugh at things that are surprising and unexpected
ü Absurdity, nonsense, and surprise are key themes
§ Superiority Theory
ü 2 conditions for evocation of mirth
o Disposition towards disparaged party should not be positive
o Amusement contingent on disparagement in some form
ü Emotional explanation
ü Strongest amusement when extremely disliked victim is disparaged by extremely liked victor
ü Grievous harm usually results more pity than amusement
ü Macabre humor
2)   Preconditions for humorous amusement according to superiority theory/affective disposition theory
§ An ill-intentioned fool and an ill-intentioned wit must both come to harm
§ Well intentioned fool and well-intentioned wit must come to glory
3)   How does group membership influence humor enjoyment
§ We find jokes not about us funny but we disike seeing ourselves humiliated
4)   What formats can humorous entertainment have (drama/miniature)?
5)   What is the comic frame of mind
§ Light-heartded attitude to relax fun-hampering empathic restraints
6)   What is the unfairness doctrine
§ If you see someone getting a lot of things easy in life, you would think it were unfair
§ Seeing someone who is high-positioned get into a humiliating situation is usually funny
7)   How is comedy related to social rules according to Freud
§ 2 ways to evoke amusement
ü Superiority theory
ü Incongruity theory
§ We do not know what makes us laugh
§ All those feelings: that we like to see the bad person being humiliated aren’t usually expressed outright
8)   What are transient benefits of humor/laughter?
§ It makes us feel good to see others humiliated
§ It makes us feel good about ourselves
§ Helps regulate moods

Slides Outline
* Popularity
* 3 general theories
* What is Comedy
* Disposition theory/negative partiality
* Traditions of empirical research
* Comic frame of mind
* Comic miniatures
* Transient benefits of laughter/social comparison theory
* Deconstructing depression
* Unfairness doctrine
* Problem dissolution
* Freedom of expression
* Health benefits of amusement
Text Notes/Slides