
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Communications 367
June 21, 2011
Paper 1: Topic Ideas
1. (Re)Introduce horse meat into US society
a. Slaughterhouses to be established
b. Public stigma adjustment: more people have/had intimate relationships with cats and dogs than horses; the public’s negative affect towards Asian practices of eating cats and dogs has appeared to have decreased (to me)
c. Many wild horses out west being round up at the expense of public
d. Delicacy or shelter food? (economic possibilities)
e. Historical/geographical examples of human consumption
2. Encourage children to distinguish and nurture 3 identities: a self, an other, and a public self
a. I’d like to develop this mentality from a young age, as to remove (existential/philosophical) complications
b. “Fronting” to be a positive, genuine, compliant term
c. The “other” to be an external influence recognized and consulted as memories distinguishable from the individual’s own self, meant to connote/contradict
d. Self-esteem promotion is a major objective of this.
e. Emotional component/personal passion: My little sister (age 15) committed suicide May 11, 2011 after an intense struggle to “find herself”. She was deliberately persuaded to self-mutilate, speak ill of others, and do other self-destructive things BY HER PEERS. She was intelligent but unaware of the distinction between keeping her true beliefs alive despite outward projections of her being.
3. Dumpster diving: attempt to decrease public’s negative affect
a. Food waste issue/ disease awareness
b. Environmentalists/recyclers/homeless benefits and participation
c. Restaurant waste cleanliness/dumpster maintenance and segregation
d. Freegan thought

Begn to Shapitt

There are patterns of questioning that allow for final determinant identities to be visualized as
triangles, squares, circles, alphabet letters, colors, and other states of matter that defy time-space.

For example, kids without attitudes couldn't possible care about the state of the union
but may be forced to express an opinion about it. One part of the group of kids say
"Its going good" An other group says "Its going bad". Normally, kids who arent sure will simply
join one of the other groups and keep quiet most of the time. However, those kids who are
sincerely disinterested should assume a questioner role and come up with questions for each
of the other groups. However, just as the group needs to choose a spokesperson, they will
also choose a question-person. This is when they need the kids who actually arent sure
but joined one of groups anyway to stand up. Increasing the option available to fight to an
opposing argument but have it be known among others that they initially complied to pressure
is a stoic admittance. As the child leaves the first group and joins the uncertain questioners,
they will help guide the question-forming so to reveal the greatest amount of
information from the spokesperson. They admit their loyaties to the first group so they include
questions that the first group was really confident about, so the speakers can show their stuff

Berzonsky and Blasi

How are the learning defenses to be mitigated? How is the learning that can lead to
identiy change be promoted? Our understanding of the dyanamics to idchange derives
from the work of Berzonsky and Blasi, for whom self-concept developmenty involves the
management of three interdependent components: process, the means by which identity
is encoded; structure: the way identity is organized; content: the information from which
reality is constructed.
If the self-concept is an answer to the question, " who and what am i?" then in general, the
answer consists of achieving a new unity among elements of one's past and expectations
about the future and this creates a deep and fundamental sense of purposeful continuity.
This is a process of intergration and questiontion. The answer to these questions leads to
integration, a sense of basic loyalty and fidelity as well as deep, preconscious feelings of
rootedness and well-being, self-esteem, and purposefulness.
Learning that promotes identity change thus involves a resynthesis or reintegration of the
processual, structural, and content aspects of self in a way that defends against anxiety and
satisfies the need for self-esteem.
However, althogh identity provides meaning, premature closure of identity exploration processes,
or too tight a closure around an over-defined identity, in inimical to the multiple and alternate
meanings that make organization development possible.
Senior managements role in the learning organization is to surface and contest existing mental
models and to build shared visions of the future.
Organizational identity may assumes that the senior managers have everyone's
best interest at heart. However, if someone has assumed and then abandoned previously
self-identifing factors in the past, when the goals of the new organization promote conflicting
views, the person will re-evaluate relationship strength with the current group, whether or not
there exists a possibility of rejoining the old group. This is how the fluidity of self-ascribed
identities weaken as the number of abandoned identities hinder the acceptance of new
organization by means of skepticism.

The Prinsymple

Politcal Theory
Realists and the argument for Security Machiavelli
Machiavelli warns his prince that he must pursue those policies that can "save the state"
He says, "if you look at all matters carefully, you will see something resemling virture
which, if you follow it, may be your ruin, while something else resembling vice will lead
if you follow it, to you security and well-being. That is the politic of virtu or Realpolitik
and it involves a determined, pragmatic use of power unencombered by moral scruples.
He consciously lowers the standards of social action or order to satify, as far as possiblem
a realistic preeminent goal, our basic need for security.

Reformers and the Argument for Diversity - Aristotle

Online Substance Abuse

The kids are on compuaters all day long but they aren't actually forced to type much.
When the threat of exposing yourself is gone, you can freely express yourself online.
You can talk without speaking. As computers take over the need for memory-retention, mixed with
minimalization of spoken word while using the internet even for socializing, the cognitive maps
are being formed in kids minds. Emphasis on physically engaging activity - somewhere between
reading aloud, talking with friends, telling a story, and answering questions at school.
in kids public schooling will increase the liklihood that they will engage in more rigorous
We've already established that kids are greatat data-input, pressing buttons,
and finding friends online, but they are also confident in another
thing: they are a part of an adult world there, and they're experiencing a sense of freedom
for the first time. If this is where a child is most honest and humble, then their ability to
effectively express new ideas will be pertinent information for future application.
It appears the amount of so-called corruption from an advertising overload has not
stopped the mindless chitchat of these children; it is greatly hindering the diologic
behaviors in actual interaction between them. When their minds are so fragile, and
they know how to cut the bullshit already, its time we give them what they want.
Not drugs, not sex: Philosophy lessons.
The social media has already marketed the idea of "out of body experiences" and
"mind expansion", but the school systems don't want a drug problem. However, now that
direct to consumer pharmaceutical marketing is flourishing, kids with behavior problems are
being brought to the surface, and many of them are being prescribed anti-depressants,
anti-anxiety, and attention-deficent disorder drugs. These kids have access to other drugs
that change their state of mind by various substances already. These can create unintentional
physiologal responses that are more than just twitching, sweating, or smiling.
When pop culture gets dark and the drug companies are paying the bill
deviant kids can be extremely disturbed about certain material because they are overwhelmed
with confusion or they may become curious about the possibilites and become anxious.
As the science of brain-chemistry become more salient among scientists and behaviorists,
the importance of full and optimal brain development should be a fundamental priority
for the future leaders of the world. Projects that combine math, predicate logic, and interactive
questioning allows for greater arguments and imagination-use.

Personal Alchemyzinfool

¬Amanda Hamlin NOTE: I still need to put my citations in …I just wrote this freethougt
I used to be one of those outcast kids; consistently defying authority, bending the rules, complaining about the miserable conditions of high-school social dynamics, and, enviously, laughing at the blissful states of conformists of any type or form. Sure enough, I was a confused and angry kid in a downward spiral before high school even began. However, I never could have anticipated how helpful my persistent cynicism and perpetual bouncing from anti-this to anti-that, and ‘I don’t even care about that’…“I’m an electron!”-mentality would prove to be.
In acknowledging the state my pathology, naturally, I refused to assume just any label indicating a self-destructive or depressive state – that’d be too cliché. I wanted to be the most outwardly-happy negative-thinker there ever was. Once the whole anti-Islam trend ruined the enjoyment I got from challenging any and all religious convictions, I invented my own belief system in attempt to establish some values. This one was designed to adjust according to situation. Careful social integration, a feel-good reward system, and deliberative make-believe principles were put to work. Self-deluding? Nah – but self-deception, pretty much.
It turns out my little system is not to original. People do, indeed, choose what they believe in, and what they pay attention to/choose to ignore, and also, how they go about interpreting certain situations, almost instinctively. I needed a new approach – I needed to manipulate my own system. Having a high ‘need for cognition’, the battle which began between my own philosophical awakenings and the active challenging against imposed realities has been less of a headache, as it may sound to be, and more like a game, a hobby, a useful back and forth practice, indeed! Now, I’d like to get you on board and share with you what I believe may be possible when you cut the BS labels about “being yourself” and realize that “creating your Self” is far more rewarding and useful than trying to “express” our already obscure emotions; and now, we may actually begin to feel them.
Using strategic social compliance, conscientious behavior and speech, and genuine self-esteem creation and acquirement, the commonly known art of “putting up a front” has never been so profitable. In fact, I personally distinguish the strategic and good-willed act as “Phronting” and the other as just fronting. In addition; I have such a difficult time portraying myself online that I have begun to call it Phasebook. For anyone who denies being affected by the institutionalizing nature of social media sites, then you are either very lucky or an imposter.
I’d like to share with you a simplified process I use to phront and self-create; then, explain how/why the early-childhood Educational Establishment should upgrade their curriculums accordingly, and then conclude with some examples demonstrating the sound and relevant implications of active engagement in a variety of concepts.

In essence, the goal is to fulfill a prophecy which you set for yourself - it must always be a Positive and genuine quest for self-esteem, knowledge, and/or supreme truth, and be driven by your own desire. This is known as creating opportunity structures for self-esteem, sort of like choosing to engage in activities which you are, in fact good at; the likelihood of success is high. Especially for a socially integrated identity construct, remember that the desirable, anticipated result is not a given. Thus, you must admit that you cannot actually control anyone else's behaviour, but if it makes you feel better, it must also be realized that humans are, in fact, irrational beings. On one extreme, it is indeed a form of using humans for the personal pursuit of pleasure, but it is non-exploitative. On the other extreme, you must realize that you are using your own body as an instrument in the process - if online, it is a non-issue, or, if in person, it is in the most objective sense possible. Ergo, the prediction is made: a simple but common example may be "If I give this person a complement of some sort, it'll make them feel good". This statement must never be spoken. You do your thing; you get a smile and a thank-you in return, and bingo: the fruits of your labor flourish. You give yourself credit for having predicted the response, you done good by spreading good feelings. The physical reward of increasing self-esteem either in your self or the other person is unleashed as the experience is affirmed and validated by others. This means, you must tell people about what happened, how it felt, and how great it'll feel when the favor is returned. Whether or not the favor is ever returned, the validation by your buddies and yourself is manifested in quite real ways. In _________, self-esteem is conceptualized as a reservoir of energy, which can be depleted and restored. So, the more you believe in active kindness as a positive practice and the more joy is realized in making successful predictions, the more control you will obtain over this new, strategic, and fluid identity's existence. This type of self-deception may result in an "inexplicable personal alchemy" by means of self-induced cognitive dissonance. What if that person was a criminal? What if they didn't actually appreciate the complement? Was that just a waste of time? This is where it gets good, and where the magic happens. This is where you assert to yourself that you did, indeed, do a good deed of your free will. However, you must acknowledge the possibility of but ultimately deny the existence of this fact: You may have just screwed yourself. The more you refuse to back down of your “high horse”, the more you try to validate your new identity, the uncertainty yields new perspectives, new feelings, and ultimately, the brain activity becomes physical enough, and fundamental beliefs are incepted. For someone like me, who has consistently rejected most any belief system which has been introduced by others, I find it very satisfying to actively and imaginatively construct and evaluate simple but controlled experiences in which my beliefs are established by comparative positives, as opposed to externally imposed by fearful unknowns.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We are in an era where education has been transformed to aiedeucation. Currently, the mental shortcuts we have learned to use have set our sense of reality and values out of wack. It’s a product of capitalism; its nothing more than what we’ve agreed to, and possibly everything we need… but how has this really affected us? Will the kids of tomorrow be programmed similarly? Are we entering a state of progress, a never-ending process, or just, becoming better professionals?
Well, the youth of America is having an identity crisis – we’ve probably all contemplated our own existence, but, Since the Educational Establishment has also surrendered to the capitalistic values of corporate America, kids are counting M&Ms, and watching sponsored programming while they read the Abercrombie & Fitch logo on their teacher’s chest all day. As abbreviations, acronyms, and other symbols stick to the front of our minds, content and contextual information skills come afterwards, forever restricting our abilities to form and express new thoughts. Further, behaviorisms and chemical properties take part, and kids may be diagnosed with disorders by exposing inconsistent or irrational thought patterns from which the pharmaceutical companies might have instilled in the first place.
The time we take to process and store new ideas is so low that they stay with us, well, about as long as it takes us to digest a bitty piece of bubblegum. (But wait, isn’t that, like ten years? Psyche!) But what about the real American values, like freedom and democracy? Why does the American Eagle have so many cute clothes? Why would we rather define ourselves in immeasurable concepts than compare ourselves to a bird?
The computers systems are improving their use and capabilities for information storage, but we may be sacrificing more skills than we thought needed for the upmost proficiency. As ad-agencies compete with embedded religious values and inherited family memories in our brains, there begins a great struggle between irrationally-derived associations, those which are hierarchical, and those which are on a scale. Mind you, however, the ones we do choose to remember are often because of irrational reasoning schemes: Method to madness, reason from doubt. Personal Choice (to me, PC). Rhymes. Times. Numbers. Graphs. Whatever that’s boring.

In using out-dated teaching methods, the very art of thinking and information processing has hindered free-thought and institutionalized knowledge.

The Capital
The Rain
The Autumn
The Sea

Sommmmsm Plate to Water n back again

"project: to my plate right now but I am drowning as it is.
Now is the time for all good men.
Currently I sit drowning may I please breathe
At the time when force is drowning, I... project
If drowning is meant for all, I will.

SnM Kid's Brainds for Sale

I wish I could blame capitalism; I wish I could blame the public school system; I wish I could blame insecurity; I wish I could blame pornography, the drugs, the girls, christian-conservative terrorists... but I cannot, and will not.

PRIME REALIESTATE ABVAILABLE! Locale public schools will be aidding 1 hour a week of nap-time in the 3, 4, and now, 5 year old age classes - and your voice could be quite helpful! That's right! Currently, the PTA is seeking select association's agendas 2 fill theur agendaz... and Amierica is in need of sound, sincere, and useful programes for the kids! Fill out aimplications at - NOTE - Select angencies' messages may be subject to approval. Secure our nation's future and always, save nap-time for true American's Dreamings !

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Aye laussed many tymez at SMM

Disclaimer: I have a sick mind, my emotions have been desensitized, I get strange pleasures from solving math problems. I am a product of self-imposed psychological torment commonly known as sado-masochism. As i like to think of it, the struggle between 3 identities which are equally polarizing.... but choosing a fourth option that is imagined.
1. Self-sacrifice
2. Martyrdom - ascribing a condition
3. Murder - asribing logic with no moral position established.
4. designed in self-determination, a self-induced state of self-deception in order to justify any actions as pure; it essentially is a strategically planned dialectical struggle which orders me to make shit up AND be able to talk about it.

Master/Slave Mentality
1. Laws engender/reinforce alienation
2. Ideological thinking, a nurtured self-consciousness
3. Diagnoses: detecting exposing ideology (self-deception)
4. Not objective/relocatory and transforming but reliable accounts for others
5. Religion distortion/displaces human energy


[sample from some movie]
"I just wanna know, don't you believe in God anymore?"
"Well, my faith is gone. To answer your question,
yes I do believe in Jesus.
Yes, I do believe in God, but do I love him?"

I'm lost upon this voyage and I'm searching for truth.
They told me to believe, but I want to see the truth.
I'm tired of your lies, so now you feel my anger.
How could I ever trust my soul with a stranger?

Now, dear Mr. Bigshot, let me ask you a question.
Put you on the stand,
raise your right hand.
I want to hear your confessions.
My family is stressing out 'cause there's nowhere else to go.
We're looking for a higher power. You dodge, just hit us low.
In church they said that it was free.
Your love would always be.
I'm steadily giving mine, but where is yours for me?
I couldn't see it, so I stray.
You took my dreams, I prayed.
I wanted to get them back, but you laughed and I'm afraid
I made the wrong decision.
You killed my hopes and visions.
I thought you had arisen,
but this is more like prison.
I'm giving my all daily and maybe it's all for nothing.
I never hurt anyone, so why do you keep me suffering?
I stay tough and you lay it on
thicker and I say it's wrong.
I'll play this song 'till you answer,
give you another chance to appear
'cause we dying out here. I see no light.
All I ever did was care and try to do what the fuck was right.

I'm lost upon this voyage and I'm searching for truth.
They told me to believe, but I want to see the proof.
I'm tired of your lies, so now you feel my anger
How could I ever trust my soul with a stranger?
( x2 )

I trained all my life for it.
[ From: ]
I would have died for it.
Man, you took it from me,
bully crummy friend,
got the nerve to say I've sinned?
I tend to feel abandoned 'cause you left me in the dark.
The light of my life was gone and I'm searching for a spark.
Sure, the mark of the beast is near,
so we're all living in fear.
Noone holds a clear head,
so people appear dead for a reason
and I'm breathing.
Not even demons scare me.
Is it necessary to panic?
By now I feel prepared. See, I planned it to be one way, but of course it
never works,
forever quirks within the system.
Am I a victim or a jerk?,
with a sickened spurt of questions,
guessing without your blessing,
testing my own limits. I can feel the walls compressing
and within it I ain't shit, but to me I'm all there is.
Sometimes I hate my life when I look at the next man and compare his to mine
and it is the time for me to rise, so let me.
They labelled me a child of God, so help me or forget me.

I'm lost upon this voyage and I'm searching for truth.
They told me to believe, but I want to see the truth.
I'm tired of the lies, so now you feel my anger.
How could I ever trust my soul with a stranger?
( x2 )

[another sample (probably the same movie)]
"I don't care if you're a preacher, a priest, a nun, a rabbi, or a Buddhist
monk. Many, many times during your life you will look at your reflection in
the mirror and ask yourself: 'Am I a fool?'

(Simultaneously played:)--"And then, one day, you're just going to wake up
and say 'fuck him'."
--"I'm not going to relapse. What I've
experienced is closer to awakening."
"I didn't say 'fuck him'."

May eyeusaiy yea?

Feelher Betterit Faster
CORE secrets: Remembering better times, giving yourself credit for your contributions to others,
using mnemonic devices for recalling positive memories, staying relaxed from moment to
moment, creating your own images for stress reduction, discovering hidden treasures in life,
and mastering a simple form of hypnotic suggestion.

Conquer your sInner Critissights
Pathological inner-critic: Identify inner critic messages, catching your critic, the criticorigin,
BBC? Unmasking your critic, taking back your critic with mantras, remind your critic of the cost,
talking back by affirming your worth, your advocate's voice, negative comparisons, letters to
your critical parent,

Refute Selfersteem-Wreck herz
Overgeneralization, polarized thinking, filtering, global labeling, mind reading, shoulds, self-blame,
control fallacy, comparing

Revisit eation Development
Infancy, toddleryears, preschool inner child, school age inner-child, inner adolescent, young

Try, Com, pass ion
Compassion for someone who's hurt you, compassion for someone you've hurt, compassion for
yourself, compassion for things past, compassionate listening
Getting Validation for Ill
Affirming the good in you, giving and example, taking an honest look at yourself, getting rid of the
kickers, telling the whole truth, looking for exceptions, remembering your good points, finding the
truth you missed, providing tit-for-tat

Re: frAymiStaekes
3 steps to handling mistakes, the limits of awareness, mistakes visualization, reframing mistakes,
escaping your past, visualizing your confident self, turn offs and turn ons

Mi, ne mize grudgemeantyme.
the screens in your head, rules about screens, screens and monster-makers, responding to other's
judgements, reflecting other's admirable qualities, learning to be non-judgemental, learning
empathy, kicking the judegment habit, the tyranny of the shoulds, healthy versus unhealthy values
causes and effects of self-esteem


Strategic management is the facet of management concerned with the future.
holding the organization in question, and posing questions in a search for a
different frame of reference. This enables an organization to adapt, change, or
transform itself according to how the future unfolds and the external environment
Play is inherently exciting and precarious. This characteristic derives not from the
instinctual arousal but from the precariousness that belongs to the interplay
in the child's mind of what is subjective (near-hallucination) and that which is
objectively perceieved (actual or shared reality).
Strategy is conceived of as reflective, unending search for meaning, the medium of which
is akin to the constuction of a narrative that makes sense both past and future
and the individual's and the organizations roles in creating this.
We have only these socially constructed identities that was construct in our conversations
with others. Identities... are realized in stories.
The overconfident attitude assumes environmental stability. The attitude of wisdom
assumed complexity and engenders what Weick terms complex sensemaking
Collective identity is crucial in making sense of one's environment, particularly in
contexts of rapid and unpredicable change. Lacking a shared identity, organizational members
have, at best, a limited sense of meaning and connection with the organzation and
cannot consciously assess the significance of their and other's actions for that organization.

Self-esteem somme ICT

Perceptions on what is accomplished or the actual are perceptions that arise from three distinct processes related to role performance within these groups:
reflected appraisals, social comparisons, self-attributions.
When individuals reflect on their behavior and observe that they have been sucessful at maintaining
a match between situational meanings and identity standards, efficacy-based self-esteem results
from such "sucessful behavior".
When distubances to self-verification are at large, or more persistent, people may extricate themselves
from the situation or shed the identity in order to avoid the negative feelings that arise
from persistent discrepencies between situational meanings and identity standards. In the
interest of maintaining the social structure, the interpersonal relationships, however, this possibility
must be minimized. Therefore, people must have resources that can support them through these
periods ensuring that negative emotions do not become too overwhelming. Self-esteem seems to be
one such resource that functions to maintain individuals and social relationships.

The less the self-verification, the greater the distress. The higher an individual's self-esteem, the
less the distress. The higher an individual's self-esteem, the less impact a lack of
self-verification will have on levels of distress. The more persistent the lack of self-verification, the greater the loss of self-esteem.

Bases for social identities are where structure and agency collide.
people persist in seeking essentialized groudinings for the selves they encounter and those they offer

Seeks attachment to others , the pursuit of recognition and dignity; feelings of agency and empowerment,
avoiding fear and anxiety
People in subordinate positions attempt in a sort of relaity-construction process to translate coercive
relationships into dependency relationships, through maneuvering their oppressors into accepting
obligations toward them.

This identity requires a perception of membership to a bounded group, consciousness aboutthat
group's ideologies, and direct opposition to a dominant rule.

Maintaining Status!
Hallmark of the looking-glass-self
Some individuals possess more agency
a higher-status persons are better able than a lower-status person to construct
a reality that ultimately benefits them and maintains their position of power.
Verification of the worker, academic, and friend identities as they are validated increase
self-esteem and mastery.
For example, individuals may interact selectively with those who verify their identities,
display identity cues that announce who they are andhow they are to be treateted, and engage
in interaction strategies that encourage others to behave towards them in a manner
that is congruent with their identity.
This lebel is not being adopted to reflect a perceptual control model
Actual appraisals should influence self-appraisals only when reflected appraisals are not taken
into account.
This is consistent with Goffmans idea that in interaction, actors are expected to engage in
Cooperative face-work, in which they support each other's identities.
Projection is not discriminatory. We have no evidcence, for example, that it occurs more
often for high-status than for low-status actors.
Other researchers in the more social structural version of identity theory example reflected
appraisals but use them as an index of affective commitment.
The more social structural version of identity theory has been more likely to examine multiple
identities as they exist within one's identity hierarchy.
Control of perceptions are this level is maintained by adjusting standards at the lower levels
The worker and academic identity may be veiwed as an obligatory identiy, while the friend id is
Hoelter proposed a methodology for linking identities conceptually on a semantic space along
the dimensions of evaluation, potency, and activity (EPA). Affect control theories consider
the EPA dimensions of meaning for defininig all identities and behvaiors thus allowing direct
comparisons between different occupants of positions. These meanings, however, may
vary from one id to another, making direct comparison between identities more difficult.
Some see the worker as a role-based and the family-identity as group-based.
When persons experience identitiy verification, high self-esteem emerges from their feeling
that they are accepted and valued by others; alternatively, high-mastery stems from the self-
evalution that they have matched perceptual, reflected appraisal meanings to identity standard
Direct (re)presentations of thier off-line identities and activities, through the production of
alternative identities and activities, and through the production of alternative identities contingent
upon their off-line identities; through the reproduction on-line of off-line class and gender inequalities
and through the way in which everyday material realities limit the scope of their on-line activities
on-line activities maintain and develop both distant and local off-line relationships; information
gathered online is incorporated into off-line activities, online friendships are incorporated into
or reconfigure off-line social networks, and on-line activities can position subjects differently
and recontexualize off-line identities.

Cyberspace QUOTES
Information and communication technologies are about to inflict widespread
social, cultural, economic, and political change upon the twenty-first century.
The advance promises to deliver greater efficiency, speed, power, control, and knowledge
and with this is the potential for personal development, the transformation of work, and the
production of value.
ICT's offer users to access information and communicate with whom they want, freed from the
material and social constraints of their bodies, identities, communities, and geographies - means
that these technologies are regarded as potentially liberating for those who are socially, materially,
or physically disadvantaged.
The technologically illiterate may be excluded from many forms of employment and also suffer from
wider social exclusion because they will be unable to participate in "normal" activities.
The Information Age, children - as symbols of the future, are at the heart of debates both about
pssibilities that ICTs afford should be realized and about the dangers of social exclusion for those who
are not technoliterate.
The fear is that computer-obsessed children will socially withdraw from the off-line world of family and friends
thereby missing out on the imaginative opportunities for play that the outdoors is perceived to offer,
and that they will become addicted to the screen, putting not only thier social but thier physical well-being at risk.
Children may be at risk for corruption from Internet material
Threat to childhood as an institution, because of their potential to threaten childhood "innocence" and blur the
differentiation commonly made between the states of childhood and adulthood.
"Real" vs "Virtual world unconnected, oftentimes oppositional to each other.
"the material body is not simply rendered invisible on-line: it becomes completely irrelevant.
"virtual realities are more intimate and richer because they are formed on the basis of genuine mutual
interest, rather than being based on the coincidence of off-line proximitiy.
the disappearing city where chronological typographies replace constructed geographical space,
where immaterial broadcast emissions decompose and eradicate a sense of place"
While we may "lose ourselves" in a good book or in a state of online interaction, its something that is of
the mind, not the body.
"artifactual" view, in which technology is severed from the normative context of social practice.
viewing technology as a "neutral tool" whose impact is entirely determined by the intentions of its users.
Actor Network Theory - the actors in these actor networks redefine each other in action in ways which mean
that there are no simple one-to-one relationships from technology to people but rather a constantly ongoing, inventive,
and constantly reciprocal process of social acquaintance and reacquaintance.
The disembodied and asynchronistic nature of on-line interactions also offers people the oppotunity to position
themselves in new ways.
When children take on other personas it is invariably to adopt what they regard as more desireable or powerful
identities than thier own. Usually older and based on models or sports heros

Young'ns - Memory Deevice - PredicatelOgic

The results of the present study indicate that children as young as 4 years of age are able to
differentiate thier own conceptual perspectives from those of others and to make non-egocentric
inferences about the limitations of those persepctives.
The ability to veiw interaction within a group objectively, in terms of multiple perspectives,
should have significant effect on children's social ineraction with thier peer groups.
Discovering the many developmental relationships between interaction within a group
and the child's conception of that group would be fruitful objective for research.

The acronymic nature of the philosophic jargon is also the jargon of which many emotions are
revealed through the heuristic power from the English language. As associations, corporations,
and celebrities fight for publicity, the emotionally-inducing language becomes easier to inflict
as companies use clever marketing tactics. Entrepreners use long term strategies with
strong symbols only to be interpreted and accepted after several exposures. However, the
english language can be more clever than initially imagined- There are heirarchical formations of
value according to time outlined by the Associated Press. Currently, our children are being
fed abbreviations and acronyms that are essential to teaching the fundamental properties
of matter to promote social behavior compliance. Thus, it is in the school system's duty to
provide lessons in philosophy about the very institution of language itself while the the children
are still in development. Learning to conceptualize several foreign symbols and how to express
them in multiple tenses and senses will expand the uses of the english language. When
computers are denied for information search, children will be able to collectively reveal more
useful thought patterns and self-affirming opportunities that dont rely on nouns, but states
of mind. However, if these patterns of thought are realized in one's self before
they are taught in a structured form at school, they will remain dormat and unpracticed until
propigated by any number of uncontrolled actors. This creates a youth susceptible to
self-corruption before they have any true or positive values established to corrupt. Social suicide,
alienation, and physical isolation can encroach. If someone has no meaningful attributes
left to describe themselves, they assign labels to assert thier worth. When thier own name is
all they have left, they envision an alternate identity.

In answering "correctly" to questions, self-esteem can be enforced, but asking an inferential
question and getting the expected answer can be equaling pleasing for a child in development.
Often, when children do not receive appraisal for self-realizations as they are shared,
thier excitement for learning is dismissed early. When self-incepted thoughts are already
difficult for a child to form, they will be unlikely to put in the work to cohere the language
to talk about it if there is any chance of it being rejected. Practice in predicate logic in several
platforms should be practiced - but the theoretical models used first and formost should be
fully discerned among the whole class and discussed in a philosophical context. These
are the same behavior patterns that advertisers/journalists employ to predict our emotional
reactions to photos and news. Sound, ethical scientists are trying to restore that emotion
in contexts outside the world of consumerism. Not using drugs or torture, but cognitive and
dialectical behavior therapy. The latter prepare children for sentential argument formation-abilities.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The ego-defenses : a latent resevoir of ideas that can assist in efforts to theorize

the ego's ultimate mastery over the narcissistic self, the final control of the rider over the
denial, rationalization, idealization, fantasy, (subliminal)
the external search for information, the interpretation of info, the use of info, the storage of info,
the internal recall of information.
Denial is a "primitive and "magical process that can lead to increased confidence and that can
boost feelings of invulnerability , with profound implications for learning. The idea that
beleif structures can blind decision makers when they deny there is a problem
Rationalization is an attempt to justify impulses so they become both plausible and consciously
tolerable. This process repugnant seem more acceptable involved self-deception.
Collective/selective principles to providee categories of thought.
Retrospective sensemaking, org defense routines
Idealization: when some object becomes the process by which some object comes to be over
valued and emotionally aggrandized, and stripped of any negative features.
Individuals enter organizations with an existing self-concept that they have learnt to
Fantasy: converts the ambiguities of history into confirmations of beleif and a willingness
tp persist in a course of action - in ways that are destructive to the indivudual organization.
Symbolism process through which an external object becomes the disguised outward representation
for another internal and hidden object, idea, person, or complex
the main activity of an org id the generation of symbols and myths which will serve as vehicles
for significance and symbolic immortality. Self deceptive and self-defeating

organizations are fractured and heierarchical locals in which individuals are groups are
 implicated in reciprocal but often asymmetric power relationships.
The strategic discourse is an integral aspect of the identity and that strategic group change
 implies identity change;
an understanding of the inertial power of the collective ego defenses might valuably inform
 research in this area identity manifests in a narrative, "art of strategic conversation",
research in top management is rare, managerial wisdom
generation of an ability to learn from an experience, a movement into long-term thinking,
which deliberately extends future time horizons, and a concern for metaknowledge, and
epistemic cognition, which includes the reflection upon the limits of knowing
a critical reflection upon the status of the categories that we use to describe our current ways
 of being in this world.
a cognitive manifest/surface, strategic beliefs, basic values and assumptions.
Analysis of the biographies and autobiographies of organizational leaders and company
histories using idt.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cyberspacekids Quoted

Cyberspace QUOTES
Information and communication technologies are about to inflict widespread
social, cultural, economic, and political change upon the twenty-first century.
The advance promises to deliver greater efficiency, speed, power, control, and knowledge
and with this is the potential for personal development, the transformation of work, and the
production of value.
ICT's offer users to access information and communicate with whom they want, freed from the
material and social constraints of their bodies, identities, communities, and geographies - means
that these technologies are regarded as potentially liberating for those who are socially, materially,
or physically disadvantaged.
The technologically illiterate may be excluded from many forms of employment and also suffer from
wider social exclusion because they will be unable to participate in "normal" activities.
The Information Age, children - as symbols of the future, are at the heart of debates both about
pssibilities that ICTs afford should be realized and about the dangers of social exclusion for those who
are not technoliterate.
The fear is that computer-obsessed children will socially withdraw from the off-line world of family and friends
thereby missing out on the imaginative opportunities for play that the outdoors is perceived to offer,
and that they will become addicted to the screen, putting not only thier social but thier physical well-being at risk.
Children may be at risk for corruption from Internet material
Threat to childhood as an institution, because of their potential to threaten childhood "innocence" and blur the
differentiation commonly made between the states of childhood and adulthood.
"Real" vs "Virtual world unconnected, oftentimes oppositional to each other.
"the material body is not simply rendered invisible on-line: it becomes completely irrelevant.
"virtual realities are more intimate and richer because they are formed on the basis of genuine mutual
interest, rather than being based on the coincidence of off-line proximitiy.
the disappearing city where chronological typographies replace constructed geographical space,
where immaterial broadcast emissions decompose and eradicate a sense of place"
While we may "lose ourselves" in a good book or in a state of online interaction, its something that is of
the mind, not the body.
"artifactual" view, in which technology is severed from the normative context of social practice.
viewing technology as a "neutral tool" whose impact is entirely determined by the intentions of its users.
Actor Network Theory - the actors in these actor networks redefine each other in action in ways which mean
that there are no simple one-to-one relationships from technology to people but rather a constantly ongoing, inventive,
and constantly reciprocal process of social acquaintance and reacquaintance.
The disembodied and asynchronistic nature of on-line interactions also offers people the oppotunity to position
themselves in new ways.
When children take on other personas it is invariably to adopt what they regard as more desireable or powerful
identities than thier own. Usually older and based on models or sports heros