
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Sunday, July 31, 2011

May eyeusaiy yea?

Feelher Betterit Faster
CORE secrets: Remembering better times, giving yourself credit for your contributions to others,
using mnemonic devices for recalling positive memories, staying relaxed from moment to
moment, creating your own images for stress reduction, discovering hidden treasures in life,
and mastering a simple form of hypnotic suggestion.

Conquer your sInner Critissights
Pathological inner-critic: Identify inner critic messages, catching your critic, the criticorigin,
BBC? Unmasking your critic, taking back your critic with mantras, remind your critic of the cost,
talking back by affirming your worth, your advocate's voice, negative comparisons, letters to
your critical parent,

Refute Selfersteem-Wreck herz
Overgeneralization, polarized thinking, filtering, global labeling, mind reading, shoulds, self-blame,
control fallacy, comparing

Revisit eation Development
Infancy, toddleryears, preschool inner child, school age inner-child, inner adolescent, young

Try, Com, pass ion
Compassion for someone who's hurt you, compassion for someone you've hurt, compassion for
yourself, compassion for things past, compassionate listening
Getting Validation for Ill
Affirming the good in you, giving and example, taking an honest look at yourself, getting rid of the
kickers, telling the whole truth, looking for exceptions, remembering your good points, finding the
truth you missed, providing tit-for-tat

Re: frAymiStaekes
3 steps to handling mistakes, the limits of awareness, mistakes visualization, reframing mistakes,
escaping your past, visualizing your confident self, turn offs and turn ons

Mi, ne mize grudgemeantyme.
the screens in your head, rules about screens, screens and monster-makers, responding to other's
judgements, reflecting other's admirable qualities, learning to be non-judgemental, learning
empathy, kicking the judegment habit, the tyranny of the shoulds, healthy versus unhealthy values
causes and effects of self-esteem