
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Personal Alchemyzinfool

¬Amanda Hamlin NOTE: I still need to put my citations in …I just wrote this freethougt
I used to be one of those outcast kids; consistently defying authority, bending the rules, complaining about the miserable conditions of high-school social dynamics, and, enviously, laughing at the blissful states of conformists of any type or form. Sure enough, I was a confused and angry kid in a downward spiral before high school even began. However, I never could have anticipated how helpful my persistent cynicism and perpetual bouncing from anti-this to anti-that, and ‘I don’t even care about that’…“I’m an electron!”-mentality would prove to be.
In acknowledging the state my pathology, naturally, I refused to assume just any label indicating a self-destructive or depressive state – that’d be too cliché. I wanted to be the most outwardly-happy negative-thinker there ever was. Once the whole anti-Islam trend ruined the enjoyment I got from challenging any and all religious convictions, I invented my own belief system in attempt to establish some values. This one was designed to adjust according to situation. Careful social integration, a feel-good reward system, and deliberative make-believe principles were put to work. Self-deluding? Nah – but self-deception, pretty much.
It turns out my little system is not to original. People do, indeed, choose what they believe in, and what they pay attention to/choose to ignore, and also, how they go about interpreting certain situations, almost instinctively. I needed a new approach – I needed to manipulate my own system. Having a high ‘need for cognition’, the battle which began between my own philosophical awakenings and the active challenging against imposed realities has been less of a headache, as it may sound to be, and more like a game, a hobby, a useful back and forth practice, indeed! Now, I’d like to get you on board and share with you what I believe may be possible when you cut the BS labels about “being yourself” and realize that “creating your Self” is far more rewarding and useful than trying to “express” our already obscure emotions; and now, we may actually begin to feel them.
Using strategic social compliance, conscientious behavior and speech, and genuine self-esteem creation and acquirement, the commonly known art of “putting up a front” has never been so profitable. In fact, I personally distinguish the strategic and good-willed act as “Phronting” and the other as just fronting. In addition; I have such a difficult time portraying myself online that I have begun to call it Phasebook. For anyone who denies being affected by the institutionalizing nature of social media sites, then you are either very lucky or an imposter.
I’d like to share with you a simplified process I use to phront and self-create; then, explain how/why the early-childhood Educational Establishment should upgrade their curriculums accordingly, and then conclude with some examples demonstrating the sound and relevant implications of active engagement in a variety of concepts.

In essence, the goal is to fulfill a prophecy which you set for yourself - it must always be a Positive and genuine quest for self-esteem, knowledge, and/or supreme truth, and be driven by your own desire. This is known as creating opportunity structures for self-esteem, sort of like choosing to engage in activities which you are, in fact good at; the likelihood of success is high. Especially for a socially integrated identity construct, remember that the desirable, anticipated result is not a given. Thus, you must admit that you cannot actually control anyone else's behaviour, but if it makes you feel better, it must also be realized that humans are, in fact, irrational beings. On one extreme, it is indeed a form of using humans for the personal pursuit of pleasure, but it is non-exploitative. On the other extreme, you must realize that you are using your own body as an instrument in the process - if online, it is a non-issue, or, if in person, it is in the most objective sense possible. Ergo, the prediction is made: a simple but common example may be "If I give this person a complement of some sort, it'll make them feel good". This statement must never be spoken. You do your thing; you get a smile and a thank-you in return, and bingo: the fruits of your labor flourish. You give yourself credit for having predicted the response, you done good by spreading good feelings. The physical reward of increasing self-esteem either in your self or the other person is unleashed as the experience is affirmed and validated by others. This means, you must tell people about what happened, how it felt, and how great it'll feel when the favor is returned. Whether or not the favor is ever returned, the validation by your buddies and yourself is manifested in quite real ways. In _________, self-esteem is conceptualized as a reservoir of energy, which can be depleted and restored. So, the more you believe in active kindness as a positive practice and the more joy is realized in making successful predictions, the more control you will obtain over this new, strategic, and fluid identity's existence. This type of self-deception may result in an "inexplicable personal alchemy" by means of self-induced cognitive dissonance. What if that person was a criminal? What if they didn't actually appreciate the complement? Was that just a waste of time? This is where it gets good, and where the magic happens. This is where you assert to yourself that you did, indeed, do a good deed of your free will. However, you must acknowledge the possibility of but ultimately deny the existence of this fact: You may have just screwed yourself. The more you refuse to back down of your “high horse”, the more you try to validate your new identity, the uncertainty yields new perspectives, new feelings, and ultimately, the brain activity becomes physical enough, and fundamental beliefs are incepted. For someone like me, who has consistently rejected most any belief system which has been introduced by others, I find it very satisfying to actively and imaginatively construct and evaluate simple but controlled experiences in which my beliefs are established by comparative positives, as opposed to externally imposed by fearful unknowns.