
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Begn to Shapitt

There are patterns of questioning that allow for final determinant identities to be visualized as
triangles, squares, circles, alphabet letters, colors, and other states of matter that defy time-space.

For example, kids without attitudes couldn't possible care about the state of the union
but may be forced to express an opinion about it. One part of the group of kids say
"Its going good" An other group says "Its going bad". Normally, kids who arent sure will simply
join one of the other groups and keep quiet most of the time. However, those kids who are
sincerely disinterested should assume a questioner role and come up with questions for each
of the other groups. However, just as the group needs to choose a spokesperson, they will
also choose a question-person. This is when they need the kids who actually arent sure
but joined one of groups anyway to stand up. Increasing the option available to fight to an
opposing argument but have it be known among others that they initially complied to pressure
is a stoic admittance. As the child leaves the first group and joins the uncertain questioners,
they will help guide the question-forming so to reveal the greatest amount of
information from the spokesperson. They admit their loyaties to the first group so they include
questions that the first group was really confident about, so the speakers can show their stuff