
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Monday, April 9, 2012


She was weak, but at least she was free. Maybe
Through spirals of time and great grief, her divine soul had wept
And her mind stole from reason and tricked her heart into living
For the sake of her bones. Remain standing. Breath. Smile. Remain.

Distraction lent a hand; the devil hid behind it - grinning, waiting...
The stars aligned, eventually, as night met love’s longing.
Her body laughed at the Time; the moon nodded in agreement.
And how she smiled bright! Oh, how she did love! With whatever she had left.

Her heart forgave her mind, as it always does, but her soul continued to weep.
She closed all her eyes – listening and submitting to her divine soul
Which had already began carving a lullaby of oblivion in her stomach lining
And bribing her veins to sing along. Oh! The song... what was that one line?

Her mind stumbled through tempos of her pasts, seeking where and
Who and what was that line? Oh, that song! Yes… it was the same one she heard
And hummed and sang about; Indeed, this lullaby had saved her once before
As she was climbing out of hell’s canyon, reaching for that last rock…

Slipping away from Satan’s grasp (at last!), the song was summoned
Her trusty lullaby shook the silence and pierced the darkness like a blinding light
The song, the light – hoping it could show her the way, simply
Blinded her from the shattered bones of sin that lay at her feet.

The dance of love was approaching dawn, the song started skipping
Her head struggled to save her heart but there was no beat to follow
The song was gone, and those lyrics, whatever they were, mysteriously lingered
Forever and ever – as a swirl of unarticulated light beams and color-waves… until
She awoke.