
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The ego-defenses : a latent resevoir of ideas that can assist in efforts to theorize

the ego's ultimate mastery over the narcissistic self, the final control of the rider over the
denial, rationalization, idealization, fantasy, (subliminal)
the external search for information, the interpretation of info, the use of info, the storage of info,
the internal recall of information.
Denial is a "primitive and "magical process that can lead to increased confidence and that can
boost feelings of invulnerability , with profound implications for learning. The idea that
beleif structures can blind decision makers when they deny there is a problem
Rationalization is an attempt to justify impulses so they become both plausible and consciously
tolerable. This process repugnant seem more acceptable involved self-deception.
Collective/selective principles to providee categories of thought.
Retrospective sensemaking, org defense routines
Idealization: when some object becomes the process by which some object comes to be over
valued and emotionally aggrandized, and stripped of any negative features.
Individuals enter organizations with an existing self-concept that they have learnt to
Fantasy: converts the ambiguities of history into confirmations of beleif and a willingness
tp persist in a course of action - in ways that are destructive to the indivudual organization.
Symbolism process through which an external object becomes the disguised outward representation
for another internal and hidden object, idea, person, or complex
the main activity of an org id the generation of symbols and myths which will serve as vehicles
for significance and symbolic immortality. Self deceptive and self-defeating

organizations are fractured and heierarchical locals in which individuals are groups are
 implicated in reciprocal but often asymmetric power relationships.
The strategic discourse is an integral aspect of the identity and that strategic group change
 implies identity change;
an understanding of the inertial power of the collective ego defenses might valuably inform
 research in this area identity manifests in a narrative, "art of strategic conversation",
research in top management is rare, managerial wisdom
generation of an ability to learn from an experience, a movement into long-term thinking,
which deliberately extends future time horizons, and a concern for metaknowledge, and
epistemic cognition, which includes the reflection upon the limits of knowing
a critical reflection upon the status of the categories that we use to describe our current ways
 of being in this world.
a cognitive manifest/surface, strategic beliefs, basic values and assumptions.
Analysis of the biographies and autobiographies of organizational leaders and company
histories using idt.