
  • Amanda Hamlin
  • Princess Biznotch
  • Priaine G Letrime

Friday, October 1, 2010

Picking Up Mom

Better directions
Better Tomorrow's
Back on point
Paving pathways
Happy horizons
Tomorrow's Promise
Golden Tomorrow's
Higher Purposes

Purple 2 Edit

Purple issa sensual color such to experience pursonal E.
It is very-eriely close'd to the voide-ov' Time .
It may be presumed that itz
Allmost yellow,er brightn'in color, or otherwizes
Ur findin it on the horiZon, just qwhere the colors all switch places
And the void becomes fill'ed. WIth what might have been on ether side
Of the Black and the White.
Peace together'the sin cos tantilizing measures wheill be taken if you
Wish to see Purple again,/ In time: you May
w(e)(a)re i't'n 2011 Princessbiznotch

Purple issa'sensual color such to experience pursonal E.
It is like where-weare - close'd to the voide-ov' Time .
It may be presumed that it iS
All-most Pink,er bright in color, or otherwizse
Ur findings R'on the horiZion, just qwhere the colors all switch places
And the void becomes fill'ed.T'With what might have been on ether side
Of the Black and the White.
Peiaced together'the sin cos tan-tillizing measures wheill take you
2Wish to see Purple again, In time: you May
W(e)(a)re i't'n' 2011 Princessbiznotch